Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Updated MAC lippie chart!

This includes my recent purchases as well as the Dame Edna collection lipstick! Enjoy!

Friday, December 26, 2008

A New Member of the Family!

We finally have an Ellie ... and she is gorgeous!

My sister Amanda and her hubby John finally had their first baby, Eleanor Rose. She was born at 7:53PM via c-section on Tuesday, December 23, 2008 in Houston, TX. Baby Ellie, as she will be known in the family, weighed 7 lbs 9 ozs and was 19.5 inches long.

As you can see, she is unbelievably pretty for a newborn. I can honestly say that I have seen alot of babies and they all just look like babies ... you can't tell if they are a boy or girl. Ellie is the FIRST baby that I have ever seen that has obviously feminine features ... which means that I get to diva the living criminy out of this child! Hahahahaha!

Here is the baby and her gorgeous mommy, who after 12 hours of labor still looked as beautiful as she always has. I am also attaching a link to her introduction to the family. She is less than fifteen minutes old in the video and incredibly awake and alert. Thanks for sharing in my joy :D

MAC Dame Edna Collection

I got Dame Edna today! All in all I was really excited for this collection but it was a bit of a letdown. As much as I got, I still didn't feel like I just absolutely HAD to have any of it. I skipped the High-Light powders because after you get through that top layer of overspray there was NO shimmer at all on the underside and they completely didn't show up on me. I couldn't even use them as blushes so I skipped them.

The good news about that though was that I saved some money to get other stuff, so I also picked up the new RM Moisturizer (after my 20 boutique Thanks! gift certificate and a punch card it cost me about $3!), and MAC stuff in Tilt shadow, Bright Sunshine shadow, Surreal shadow, Indianwood paintpot, Soft Ochre paint pot and Pink Poodle lipglass. Yay for day after xmas shopping trips :D

Enjoy the swatches!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Naughty Girl

Yup ... I am getting coal for Christmas ... but I am OK with that because I finally got BE's Fantasy glimmer! Yay! Another one checked off the list ...

All in all I like this look, even though I really don't like Sure Thing as an eye colour. It reminds me of that awful brownish purple from the Masterpiece collection. Fantasy however is AWESOME! It reminds me of Brass Roots, which I also love!

This will be my last look for several days ... I am leaving for Houston tomorrow to go be with my sister while she has my new neice Ellie and then will be at my parent's house for Christmas. Happy Holidays to all of you and please be safe.


basic face routine
Naughty, Naughty blush; used Tapered Blush brush

MAC ShadeStick in Beige-ing over entire eye area; used fingers to blend
MAC pigment in White dry on browbone and around entire eye area; used Face Secrets Shadow Blender brush
Sure Thing dry in crease, along lower lashline and on outer half of lid; used MAC 217 shadow brush and Wet/Dry brush
Fantasy dry on inner half of lid, wrapper around inner corner and swept along lower lashline and swept up into crease; used Wet/Dry brush
MAC fluidline in Blacktrack along upper lashline only; used MAC 209 liner brush
Lancome Oscillation mascara in Black Noir

Earth lip liner
Lola Buxom lip polish

Questions? Comments? Please feel free to post ... and thanks for looking!

Friday, December 19, 2008

The Big Chill

All these "chill" collection are getting really confusing so just to be sure that we are all on the same page, this is the BE Big Chill collection that was on the last Q presentation. I have no idea how they did it on the show because I don't really watch them (they annoy me) but I am glad I got ahold of the kit. Black Ice is really pretty and the blush is nice ... I already had Ice Queen so I sold the spare to a friend.


basic face routine
Pink Ice blush; used Tapered Blush brush

MAC Shadestick in Sharkskin lash to crease; blend with fingers
MAC Shadestick in Beige-ing on browbone and around entire eye area; blend with fingers
Ice Queen dry on browbone and around entire eye area; used Face Secrets Shadow Blender brush
Black Ice dry in crease, along lower lashline and on outer half of lid; used MAC 217 and 219 shadow brushes and Wet/Dry brush
Ice Queen dry on inner half of lid, wrapped around inner corner and swept along lower lashline and swept up into crease; used Wet/Dry brush
MAC Penultimate liner pen in Rapidblack
Lancome Oscillation mascara in Black Noir

Krystal Buxom lip polish; blot
MAC lipglass in Frozen Dream

Questions? Comments? Please feel free to post ... and thanks for looking!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

Well ... not really ... actually about 60 today but really really foggy all day. It has been COLD for several days before that though ... and since I got this new MAC Chill collection in yesterday I thought the title was appropriate. You can see my opinions about this collection (love!) in the swatch post I have from yesterday.

As for the look, this was actually much better before I decided to try putting on the lashes and screwed everything up! I worked with those things for half an hour before I finally got really angry and ripped them off. By then I had rubbed off alot of the pigmentation in this and had to completely redo the liner and mascara. I plan on redo-ing this one, because it was gorgeous before I started messing with the lashes.


basic face routine
Pink Ice blush; used Tapered Blush brush

MAC shadestick in Beige-ing over entire eye area; used fingers to blend
MAC Vellum frost shadow dry on browbone and around entire eye area; used Face Secrets Shadow Blender brush
MAC Apres-Ski matte shadow dry in crease and on outer third of lid; used MAC 217 and 239 shadow brushes
MAC Mont Black velvet shadow in interior crease and along lower lashline; used MAC 219 shadow brush
MAC Arctic Grey lustre shadow dry on middle third of lid; used MAC 239 shadow brush
MAC Wintersky veluxe pearl shadow dry on inner third of lid, wrapped around inner corner and along outer half of lower lashline and swept up into crease; used MAC 239 shadow brush
MAC Penultimate Liner pen in Rapidblack along upper lashline only
Lancome Oscillation mascara in Black Noir

Krystal Buxom lip polish; blot
MAC lipglass in Snowscene

Questions? Comments? Please feel free to post ... and thanks for looking!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Buxom Betty

These eye colours are pretty ... but certainly not what I was expecting. Stilettos is suppose to be a burgundy but to be honest it is just black ... even wetlining the burgundy sparkle doesn't show up at all even though you can see it in the pot. The buxom is great .... and you can make it either wine coloured or red depending on the liner. I went with a red lip liner for this look.


basic face routine
Crushed Velvet blush; used Tapered Blush brush
Clear Radiance over blush and high points of face; used Light Stroke fan brush

MAC shadestick in Beige-ing over entire eye area; used fingers to blend
Silk Stocking dry on browbone (ick!); used Flathead shadow brush
MAC White pigment dry on browbone and around entire eye area; used Flathead shadow brush
Stilettos dry in crease, lining lower lashline and on outer third of lid; used MAC 217 shadow brush, Wet/Dry brush and liner end of double ended Shaping Eye brush
Silk Stockings dry on inner two thirds of lid, wrapped around inner corner and swept up into crease; used Wet/Dry brush
Stilettos wetlined using MAC eyeliner mixing medium along upper lashline only; used Flat Edge liner brush
Lancome Oscillation mascara in Black Noir

Betty buxom lip polish; blot
Mary Kay lip liner in Red
Betty buxom lip polish

Questions? Comments? Please feel free to post ... and thanks for looking!

MAC Chill Collection ... OMG!

I got my little black box in today (yay for overnight shipping) and this collection is so awesome! The liner pen is really exciting, but I am surprised to say that my absolute fave thing that I got is the Snowscene lipglass ... it is truly amazing and sooooo sparkly. I can't wait to try all of this out!

Enjoy the swatches!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Sustainable One

I did really well at not buying anything for myself yesterday on my trip to ULTA with a friend ... until I realized that I had a 20% off coupon in my car and I saw this! I really like the colours and the texture of the UD shadows feels heavenly.

There are a few cons to it though ... the glitter fallout is enough to cover your whole face. Nice effect if it is what you are going for, but I can see how it would bug the snot out of someone that wasn't wanting that. They are also really hard to blend, although the effect once you get them blended they really do blend beautifully if that makes any sense.


basic face routine
MAC Dollymix blush; used MAC 129 face brush

MAC paint pot in Bare Study over entire eye area; used MAC 252 shadow brush
Urban Decay shadow in Uzi dry on browbone and around entire eye area; used Face Secrets Shadow Blender brush
Urban Decay shadow in Flipside dry in crease, along lower lashline and on outer third of lid; used MAC 217 and 239 shadow brushes
Urban Decay shadow in Kiddie Pool dry on inner two thirds of lid, wrapped around inner corner and along inner half of lower lashline; used MAC 239 shadow brush
MAC fluidline in Blacktrack along upper lashline only; used MAC 209 liner brush
Lancome Oscillation mascara in Black Noir

MAC for Ungaro see thru lip colour in Not So Shy!
MAC lustreglass in Springbean

Questions? Comments? Please feel free to post ... and thanks for looking!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Shopping

So we finally got all of our Christmas shopping done yesterday ... and yes I am the kind of person that tries to get it all done in one day and this year I actually succeeded with that. I was getting ready in a hurry and decided I was just going to do foundation, mascara in lip gloss ... yeah ... that happened. Once I sit down I just can't seem to stop myself as far as the makeup is concerned.

So here you go ... I wanted to do something quick and with some new techniques like a cut crease that I am trying, unsuccessfully, to master ... and yet something with some flair.


basic face routine
MAC Joyous beauty powder blush; used MAC 129 face brush

MAC shadestick in Beige-ing over entire eye area; used fingers to blend
MAC Vanilla velvet shadow over entire eye area; used Face Secrets Shadow Blender brush
Scotch tape applied diagonally from outer corner to brow
MAC Embark matte shadow in crease and flared upwards toward browbone as well as brushed along lower lashline; used MAC 266 liner brush, MAC 217, 239 and 219 shadow brushes
MAC fluidline in Blacktrack along upper lashline only; used MAC 209 liner brush
Lancome Oscillation mascara in Black Noir

Krystal buxom lip polish; blot
Earth lip liner; blended inwards with CARGO lip brush
MAC Viva Glam II satin lipstick

Questions? Comments? Please feel free to post ... and thanks for looking!