Saturday, September 27, 2008

Updated Lip Charts!

I have updated my MAC lipstick charts and BE Buxom lip charts to reflect the recent purchases. Enjoy!


  1. I had no clue that there were this many Buxoms!

    Thank you so much for this chart! It makes shopping sooooooo much easier. :)

  2. So glad it is helpful to you ... I also have a BE lipstick chart that is posted in the Downloads section of MM ... and also posted in an old post here on the blog!

  3. Wow, I knew you said Ruby was more sheer than the other FC's, and you weren't kidding. They could have had a lot more fun with that color.
    Ditto about this being so helpful.

  4. thanks for the chart!!! now my lippie wish list grew longer!!


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